Creative Strategist & Leader

Leadership Style


Empathy, Responsibility, Creative Routine and Constant Inspiration

I’m an empathetic manager

A design manager is nothing without their team. Every individual is different, and each designer has their own optimized creative flow - some thrive on group critiques and group energy, others need calm and quiet spaces to reflect. It’s my job to pay attention to those needs, facilitate them, and ensure that I’m getting the best from my designers all while ensuring the company get’s what it needs. I lead by example, my teams KNOW that I am there for them, it’s my job to protect, shepherd, and hold each member accountable.

I’m a passionate design leader

I also happen to be a level-headed and fact-based decision maker, and deeply care for those I work with. I work hard to build a creatively-charged atmosphere wherever I am.

I believe the best creative work comes from a space of fundamental support and safety for creative expression. With a rich group and individual critiques and brainstorming calendar we can push through creative blocks, and build a reliable creative flow.

I have a history of rapid scale

Inkling underwent massive and rapid scale as a company and in our reach. As a result I experienced and fueled rapid growth as an individual contributor, a manager, and as a company. I’m exceptionally comfortable in fast-paced and self-starter environments.

I have a reputation for quality, integrity, and a little intensity.

I’m known for my ability to get things done quickly, and well. My direct reports and co-workers would frequently comment on how cool under-pressure I was and how solutions oriented my approach is to projects. I work hard to set an example of honesty, integrity, and responsibility, and when we’re in crunch time - I jump right in to help.